There was a modest port near the current city park—De Motten—in the Roman period. Even in the Middle Ages, this area was one of the most important trading quarters of our city (de Leuren). However, the neighbourhood fell into disrepair in the first half of the 20th century. The ponds that had been there were filled in and landfill pits were put in their place. The site wasnt revalued until the 1950s. Since then, De Motten has been the link between the city centre and the new, more southerly housing estates. An outdoor swimming pool (which is now gone) was built as well as a sports stadium and tennis courts. Many of Tongerens sports clubs found a home here! It was also in the 1950s that the then heavily polluted Jeker River was buried underground! The water quality of the river has improved considerably in recent years thanks to intensive efforts! Therefore, it was decided to reopen the Jeker. It recently started prominently flowing again from the Velinx cultural centre along the Kastanjewal in the direction of the Moerenpoort and the city gardens. It is the link between the city centre, the park, and the neighbourhoods around it. It connects the Kevie nature reserve with the Velinx cultural centre, connecting nature and culture. Virtually every resident in or visitor to Tongeren can come to this park for some form of leisure experience. Sports, heritage, and culture are essential to this!